Small Media Foundation

Small Media Foundation 12 AprilApr 2023 02:15pm - 03:15pm Africa/Nairobi
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Re-designing for a sustainable future through effective digital rights advocacy at the UPR.

Session Format: Panel Discussion

This session has two major goals — to learn from the past successes and challenges of digital rights advocacy at the UPR and think through ways of building stronger partnerships with stakeholders on the ground. To start with, there will be a presentation on designing campaign and advocacy materials for digital rights at the UPR. After this, the session will take a look back at the last three UPR cycles and digital rights development, identify the successes and challenges and see how these fit into a future for a more vibrant advocacy at the UPR. It will also map the various strategies necessary to pool stakeholders in countries worked on by the UPROAR project together with respect to advocacy for digital rights at the UPR.

The primary goal of such a pool is to have at least one go-to stakeholder that can be approached in each country where UPROAR works for on-the-spot information with respect to digital rights advocacy at the UPR. The post-event value of this session is to have both an evaluation of digital rights advocacy at the UPR so far and strengthen monitoring through partnerships on the ground.

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