DRIF24 Session Proposal

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Event Theme: Fostering Rights and Inclusion in the Digital Age.

In-Person DRIF24 Dates: 23-25 April 2024
Location: Accra, Ghana.

This call opens on 15 November 2023 to 14 January 2024.

Thank you for expressing your interest in collaborating with us

We are pleased to invite in-person session proposals which seek to foster rights and inclusion in the digital age. Session proposals must demonstrate tangible outcomes and be innovative/

Partners proposing to host DRIF events must demonstrate the ability to secure attendance of stakeholders at DRIF24.

Sessions will be hosted in English and French. Apply here: DRIF24 Session Proposals.

Are you Ready?

#DRIF24 starts in

Count down to #DRIF25









One of our team members is willing to help you with your need on WhatsApp or send an email to drif@paradigmhq.org

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