Global Voices

Global Voices 14 AprilApr 2023 09:00am - 10:00am Africa/Nairobi
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Internet Access and Marginalisation in Africa: Experiences Within Africa

Session Format: Panel Discussion., Lecture/Lightning talk

Issues of connectivity have been a major challenge in Africa and the world as a whole. Over the last few years, Africa has experienced exponential growth in internet access spurred by mobile internet, which stood at 28% penetration in 2020. However, internet access and affordability are still a major challenge for the majority of Africans, especially the marginalised rural communities, women, and persons with disabilities.According to the State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2021, Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest coverage gap (those living in areas without mobile broadband coverage) at 19%, which is more than three times the global average. A new report detailing the cost of mobile data in different markets across the world bears the evidence of why internet use in most of Africa remains low despite the growing broadband internet coverage.This session provides a platform to interrogate barriers to internet access and their exclusionary effect as well as to provide solutions and recommendations to the issues of internet connectivity across Africa

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